Looking for
FREE Career Mentorship?

Looking for
FREE Career

The world of work is changing and navigating it is tough.

Let's change that

The world of work is changing and navigating it is tough.

Let's change that

Find your balance

FREE Career Mentoring

Does it feel like you're being pulled in two directions?

"Security, Safety and Money"
"Purpose, Mission and Growth"

I'd love to help you define and action your next career steps.

Looking for more personalised 1:1 accountability?

Looking for more personalised 1:1 accountability?

🔍 In-depth Goal Analysis: Identify your aspirations, challenges, and create a roadmap for success.

🤝 Regular Check-ins: Enjoy scheduled one-on-one sessions to discuss progress, setbacks, and receive personalised feedback.

📅 Tailored Action Plans: Receive customised action steps to implement between sessions, ensuring continuous progress.

Let's Chat


'Claire has been invaluable in my career journey. In assisting the development of my job profile and pushing me to think 'outside the box', she has helped broaden my skillset and build a professional network.

Our sessions have been crucial in prioritising my workflow, while also maintaining the awareness to be kind to myself, which I am hugely grateful for!'

Caspar Browne


Hi I'm Claire 👋

Hi, I'm Claire 👋

This really is a passion project for me.

I believe that career education is broken and I'm looking to help fix it.

I've seen too many people feel trapped in jobs they hate and feeling stuck with indecision.

Spending lots of money to reskill where a few conversations could have solved years of work

I want to worked in communities and career change for over 3 years and now run networking events.

I'm currently creating resources to help more people find the confidence to pursue the career and ultimately life they want.

If you're interested please do book a call! It also helps me as I can create better resources

I'd genuinely love to help!